Catholic Church Holy Days of Obligation 2026

Catholic Church Holy Days of Obligation 2026

A list of catholic celebrations and festivals in the UK in 2026 are below. These are also known as Holydays (or Holy Days) of Obligation. With effect from the first Sunday of Advent in 2017, two holydays were reinstated, namely:

  • The Epiphany of the Lord – 6 January (transferred to the adjacent Sunday when it falls on Saturday or Monday)
  • The Ascension of the Lord – Thursday after sixth Sunday of Easter

Catholic Church Festivals 2026

Every WeekSundayEvery Sunday
25 DecemberThursdayNativity of the Lord
6 JanuaryTuesdayEpiphany of the Lord
18 FebruaryWednesdayAsh Wednesday
5 AprilSundayEaster Sunday
14 MayThursdayAscension Day
24 MaySundayPentecost
7 JuneSundayThe Body and Blood of the Lord
29 JuneMondaySt. Peter & St. Paul
15 AugustSaturdayAssumption
1 NovemberSundayAll Saints
29 NovemberSundayFirst Sunday of Advent
Catholic Church Festivals 2026